Nonprofit fundraising & grant writing resources

Directory of resources on fundraising, sponsorship & grant writing

This page is a directory for fundraising ideas, fundraising resources, grant writing, sponsorship proposals, and more. Although these pages are available from the navigation menu, this page will makes it easier for you to see all the links on one page as I add more articles. This fundraising directory page also helps the special-needs users such as the blinds who use text readers by making these articles more accesible.

Proven Nonprofit Fundraising Ideas & Grant Writing Tips

  • Proven nonprofit fundraising ideas, grant writing tips, and sponsorship ideas to make your next organization banquet dinner fundraiser profitable! This is a very long guide but will shed some lights on how you can raise money without spending any.

How to Write a Nonprofit Grant Proposal with Sample

  • Unlock nonprofit grant proposal success! Learn winning grant proposal strategies, access 501c3 grants, and master funding techniques for nonprofits.

Fundamentals of Nonprofit Fundraising for Charities

  • Fundamentals of Nonprofit Fundraising for Charities is a MUST READ for all nonprofits engaging in fundraising. this is not a fundraising idea list, it is a legal compliance guide to help you keep your tax exemption status and not lose it for a fundraising mistake!

Gaming & Gambling Rules for 501c3 Nonprofit Fundraising

  • Many nonprofit 501c3 organizations successfully use raffles & gambling for fundraising. However there are strict rules & laws regarding gaming and gambling.

Leveraging Technology For Nonprofit Fundraising

  • Technology has transformed nonprofit story telling, offering opportunities to enhance fundraising efforts, communication, and impact measurement.

Useful Books on Fundraising & Nonprofits

  • Here are a few nonprofit books on subject of running a smooth organization & fundraising. There are many good books out there but I’ve hand selected a few to put you on the right track.
IRS Form 1023 Application Review