Form 1023 Schedule G. Successors to Other Organizations

Instructions on how to answer the questions on the Form 1023 Schedule G

Form 1023 Schedule G InstructionsSchedule G of the Form 1023 is for organizations that are considered successor to another organization.

For purposes of this schedule, a “for-profit” organization is one in which persons are permitted to have an ownership or partnership interest, such as corporate stock. It includes sole proprietorships, corporations, and other entities that provide for ownership interests.

The other organization is the predecessor organization. You should complete this schedule regardless of whether the predecessor (other organization) was exempt or not exempt from federal income tax.

Your organization is considered a successor organization if any of the following situations pertain to you:

  • You took or will take over activities previously conducted by another organization.
  • You took or will take over 25% or more of the fair market value of the net assets of another organization.
  • You were established upon the conversion of an organization from for-profit to non-profit status.




Nonprofit Bylaws - Nonprofit Articles of Incorporation - Nonprofit Conflict of Interest Policy

NOTE: If you’d like to receive the following organizing documents:

  • Nonprofit Articles of Incorporation,
  • Nonprofit Bylaws,
  • Nonprofit Conflict of Interest Policy,
  • Conflict of Interest Policy Acknowledgment,
  • Form 1023 Attachment with all the answers,
  • Form 1023 Expedite Letter template,
  • and Donor Contribution Form

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IRS Form 1023 Application Review