Starting a Nonprofit Organization Resources

Resources and Instructions on starting a nonprofit organization

This page is the directory for major instructions and articles on starting a nonprofit organization resources on this website. Hopefully this makes it easier so you can see all the steps on one page and you can open them in different tabs to follow along. Although these starting a nonprofit organization resources are accessible from the top navigation menu, this page helps the special need users who are blind and are using text readers. Enjoy.

How to Start a Nonprofit 501c3, The Ultimate Starting Guide

  • How to start a nonprofit 501c3 by yourself in 7 steps from incorporation to 501c3 application submission to IRS. You CAN start a nonprofit by yourself and here I go over all the steps, costs, and everything you would want to know.

How to Start a Private Foundation and its Differences vs. a Public Charity

  • Learning how to start a Private Foundation and its differences with a Public Charity organization, it’s downsides and tax benefits for family members. We also look at why you should probably stay away from private foundation status.

How to Incorporate a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization DIY

  • A very important and easy guide on how to incorporate a 501c3 nonprofit organization by yourself without paying nonprofit incorporation service companies’ fees. Simple, Fast, & Free.

How to write your nonprofit Articles of Incorporation with template & sample

  • A complete guide on how to write your nonprofit Articles of Incorporation using my template & sample for starting any kind of 501c3 nonprofit organization including churches.

How to write an IRS compliant nonprofit Bylaws with template & sample

  • An in-depth look at what’s involved in drafting a nonprofit bylaws using my bylaws template, what should be included, and how to avoide mistakes in preparing your nonprofit bylaws.

How to write a nonprofit Conflict of Interest Policy with template & sample

  • Nonprofit Conflict of Interest Policy template & sample for starting a 501c3 organization & how to write and adopt your nonprofit Conflict of Interest Policy.

How to write a nonprofit business plan with Sample

  • A nonprofit business plan serves as the compass guiding an organization toward its goals by effectively communicating its vision to potential donors.

What is EIN & How to get EIN for nonprofit 501c3 organization

  • Nonprofit Employer Identification Number EIN is required for filing the form 1023. EIN is a 9 digit code that IRS assigns to nonprofit 501c3 organizations. Here I explain how to get your EIN and the cost of it.

IRS form 1023 EZ & qualification for form 1023-EZ explained

  • What is Form 1023 EZ? What you need to know, and its qualifications. DO NOT use the form 1023-EZ to start a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization until you read this article.

Nonprofit Fiscal Sponsorship for 501c3 Explained in detail

  • Nonprofit Fiscal Sponsorship or having a 501c3 Fiscal Sponsor is the act of operating a nonprofit project under the umbrella of an established 501c3 tax-exempt organization without the need for applying for tax exemption for a short term.

Nonprofit 501c3 Friends of Organization requirements from IRS

  • How to establish an American Nonprofit 501c3 Friends of Organization to support a foreign charity, its pitfalls, IRS requirements, and whether you can apply.

Retroactive Reinstatement of Nonprofit 501c3 Exemption Status

  • What you need to know for Retroactive Reinstatement of nonprofit 501c3 exemption status using the Form 1023 if your exemption status was revoked automatically by the IRS.



IRS Form 1023 Application Review