Helping Nonprofits with Form 1023 for 15 Years

This nonprofit Form 1023 help-site is a complete and absolutely free source for starting a charitable nonprofit organization by preparing your own 501c3 application for tax exemption.

The IRS Form 1023 is explained and examined page by page, and every question is answered with references to successful applications and sample documents.

How & when did you start this?

Helping Nonprofits with Form 1023 for 15 Years

This website is the result of many sleepless nights, and countless Advils spanning over 15 years. There are approximately 198,000 words on this site, equivalent of six 150 page novels, with the main difference that when a book is published, there are no more changes, but I have to maintain this two-headed snake up-to-date because these are legal instructions for an ever-changing field.

Why are you doing this?

I’ve spent many years of my life into preparation and upkeep of this informational nonprofit help site for no pay and pension so you can achieve your dream, simply because I believe that knowledge should be free, and given the right tools and instructions, people choose to do good. Maybe I’m a dreamer but I like to keep it that way.

The instructions on this IRS form 1023 help website is free to use, share, and improve by all, and it will stay like this until the end of time. It’s been helping nonprofits for over a decade, and will continue to serve as intended, I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Tips on using this site

For the Form 1023 instructions, use the navigation menu and go in the same order until you finish the exemption application process. If you see a link in text of this site (highlighted), click on it as it contains instructions and important information.

In a few sections, I have provided the exact text from the IRS training and operational manual which is used by the IRS agents when they review your form 1023 application. These sections are not available from anywhere but here and the IRS, which is like giving you the cheat-sheet along with your exam. Please don’t overlook these documents, I know they are long, but they give you the power to understand why the questions are asked, and why you should answer them in certain ways.

Don’t forget to use the Search Function as it outputs results with extreme relevancy. If you ever find anything broken, misspelled or just out of wack, shoot me an email and I will take care of it. I wish I could say have fun, but I know that preparing the Form 1023 is far from fun, so all I can say is good luck.

Keep it live, as others have kept it alive for youchris-sorbi

If you find this site useful, please consider donating a few dollars to help with its colossal upkeep and maintenance.

I really hope that you find this agonizing work of several years useful at the least.


Chris Sorbi

IRS Form 1023 Application Review