Reviews & Testimonials from Real Nonprofits

I welcome any and all feedback and suggestions regarding and its content. If you are compelled to thank me for some odd reason, just click the button below and pour your heart out or better yet, consider donating a few dollars to keep this site alive for yourself and others. If you came here to read other nonprofits’ testimonials, there are hundreds of them, so browse away.

I hope that this painstaking work of several years has been useful in some way, and I truly wish you the best of luck in your humanitarian endeavor.


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Thank you

September 28, 2009

I wish i would have found this sooner. Thank you Thank you Thank you

Nadia Stockburger

I just stumbled upon this site and it is amazing!

September 11, 2009

Hi Chris,

I just stumbled upon this site and it is amazing! All of the information that I have spent months weeding through is right here…presented concisely and clearly. Thank you! I’m anxious to now go section by section to complete form 1023. Thank you so much for so graciously sharing your knowledge.


What a great site! What a great work put into writing this amazing website!

August 18, 2009

What a great site! What a great work put into writing this amazing website! It is very reassuring that we still have well-meaning people like you around in our country who do not despise non-profit work–the work of helping other who are less-fortunate than us. Knowing that you are sharing all this information for free is not only helpful for me for filing my IRS application, it encourages more to continue the work of my small non-profit. God bless and peace!!

BTW, 1023 Part VIII, question 10 is giving me sleeples nights. I don’t know whether to say Yes or No. Can you drop any whiskey in my cup on that?

IRS Form 1023 Application Review