Reviews & Testimonials from Real Nonprofits

I welcome any and all feedback and suggestions regarding and its content. If you are compelled to thank me for some odd reason, just click the button below and pour your heart out or better yet, consider donating a few dollars to keep this site alive for yourself and others. If you came here to read other nonprofits’ testimonials, there are hundreds of them, so browse away.

I hope that this painstaking work of several years has been useful in some way, and I truly wish you the best of luck in your humanitarian endeavor.


Write a Testimonial  


Thank you so very much! Your website really is informative.

September 13, 2012

Thank you so very much! Your website really is informative. May I list you as a partner on my website? I think the online community should know about your efforts. GREAT JOB!!


Thank you so much for your honest and extremely helpful advice.

April 6, 2012

Thank you so much for your honest and extremely helpful advice. This site is amazing!

Andrea Lovas

I have found this site extremely helpfull! Thank you for putting it together!

March 29, 2012

I have found this site extremely helpfull! Thank you for putting it together! I am however extremely confused by Part V. Questions 2a and 2b. Since the form does not ask the person who filled it out to reveal themselves, the word “You” in question 2b becomes… well… confusing. A couple of the board memebers have existing business relationships between them. Those relationships exist outside of the non-profit, and were described in 2a. Without a reference to explain who “you” is, how do you answer 2b?

J Wadsworth

Thank you sincerely for all your efforts and your kind heart.

March 15, 2012

Hi Chris,

Just wanted to let you know that we received our determination letter yesterday and wanted to thank you on behalf of our board for your fabulous website and the months of work that you have put together here. We couldn’t have done it without you and we are indebted to you greatly. Thank you sincerely for all your efforts and your kind heart. If your travels take you to Michigan, you’ll be always welcome in our home. I have sent a meager donation and will send more as we get more funds.

Margaret Hathaway

Thank you Chris for putting this site together

January 16, 2012

Thank you Chris for putting this site together, we have been using it nonstop for two months now and we sure couldn’t do without it. Do you have a Paypal account so we can donate a few bucks?

Karen and Chris

I have also been using your site for quite sometimes now and I would like to thank you as well.

December 2, 2011

I have also been using your site for quite sometimes now and I would like to thank you as well. It’s a great resource for those of who don’t have the money to spend on lawyers and in my humble opinion, It’s more beneficial to learn these things than having someone else do it. I also sent you an email on one small question I had, which I hope you find the time to answer. Thank you again.

Joel Juriala

What an amazing collection of articles. I honestly couldn’t do it with out this site.

November 19, 2011

What an amazing collection of articles. I honestly couldn’t do it with out this site. I spent a lot of times on the, but the answers there are all interrupted with the sales pitch for her book. At the end, your website was the place I would always end up. It simply is amazing that you have spent this much time writing these tutorials. I sincerely thank you.

Linda Sherman

Fantastic! Great resource.

September 17, 2011

Spent most of my day here today. Fantastic! Great resource. Appreciate you doing this. Hope to be able to drop by once we are up and going and contribute to you being able to keep it up.

Mark Gedeon

Thank you for this useful website on Form 1023.

June 17, 2011

Thank you for this useful website on Form 1023. I’ve read all the comments sent. I’m going to adopt a lot of your language used in completing this form once the incorporation is legalized. I appreciate your sharing of your talent and intelligence. This will be a big resource for me since I’m helping this npo. I will be visiting your site more often. Again many thanks to you Chris.

Florence Brown

Thank you so much for this site.

June 7, 2011

Thank you so much for this site. I have spent the last 6 hours pouring over documents – I get so excited at each new step I don’t want to leave my computer! But I have to my shoulders are really talking to me!

During the last few months I’ve spent many hours on the internet that led me in circles. What a gem you are. I have this bookmarked and will be back. I actually feel like this will get done now! I made a very small donation and only wish I could do more right now.

Linda Kazmierski

Thank you for making this site available.

May 7, 2011

Thank you for making this site available. I have checked out so many books from the library to help us fill out the form 1023, but i just keep referring to this site. It’s amazing how many pages and examples you have provided here and it makes it much easier to just search for the section name and find the answer here; something I can’t do with a book. Just wanted to say thank you and God bless you.

Mariah Willems

It’s hard for me to overstate how grateful I am that this site exists.

November 24, 2010

I’m lucky enough to have a lot of help with setting up my non-profit, but was totally stumped by the financials. I found a lot of terrible advice from a lot of sources, but this was the only site that made sense– and in fact, with your calculator, it was even EASY. It’s hard for me to overstate how grateful I am that this site exists, as you totally saved my ass on this. I will be donating a few bucks when I get my next paycheck.


Excellent website, very easy to use and down to earth.

October 25, 2010

Excellent website, very easy to use and down to earth. Thank you for all your efforts. Donation sent.

Cicilia Gomez

This website is great. This is so well put together and very organized.

August 7, 2010

Hello Chris,

This website is great. This is so well put together and very organized. I could not have put all my paperwrok together without you. There was so much time and effort put into doing this. I really appreciate it. It was very easy to follow and trust me that is what I needed. I am almost finish with this. I am going to go over it very carefully to make sure I didn’t miss anything. I will be sending you a donation shortly. I could not have done this without you.

Thank you again,

Diane Talbert

Thank you. I will, soon, gladly, send you my little contribution.

June 3, 2010

I have been working on our 1023 form for a couple of weeks and this is definitively the most helpful, complete information I have read, with precious exemples and very clear explanations. Thank you. I will, soon, gladly, send you my little contribution.

IRS Form 1023 Application Review