Reviews & Testimonials from Real Nonprofits

I welcome any and all feedback and suggestions regarding and its content. If you are compelled to thank me for some odd reason, just click the button below and pour your heart out or better yet, consider donating a few dollars to keep this site alive for yourself and others. If you came here to read other nonprofits’ testimonials, there are hundreds of them, so browse away.

I hope that this painstaking work of several years has been useful in some way, and I truly wish you the best of luck in your humanitarian endeavor.


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I can’t thank you enough for this website.

December 15, 2013

I can’t thank you enough for this website. I have been struggling with our 1023 for months. I don’t think I would have ever been able to do it without your wonderful explanations. People like you make this world a better place.

Thank you so much,

Christine Mitchell

Concerning the “do not copy and paste”

October 17, 2013

Hi Chris,

Concerning the “do not copy and paste”…I’m almost to the point of sending you all of our documents to review. I did however copy and past portions of your information..I’m just about burned out on putting this together, and just want it over with. I did, where it was most important, put things in my own words. Will this somehow disqualify me since some of it is word for word from you??? (tell me it isn’t so)

Sue Mutchler

Your page was like an oasis

October 9, 2013

In order to figure out 1023 form, since January this year, I have talked to friends of friends, attorneys and CPAs. Your page was like an oasis, however. It answered all my questions and gave me peace of mind. Now, I am actually able to work on my application. Attorneys and CPAs charge ridiculous amounts.


Thank you for the very helpful and informative website.

August 23, 2013

Thank you for the very helpful and informative website. I also enjoyed your eyeopening and terrifying read on church tax-exemption.


Amazing site and I appreciate the work – that’s a LOT of work.

May 23, 2013

The most helpful thing is knowing why each question is asked – extremely helpful when constructing answers. I volunteered to help out a local wild bird rescue organization and spent weeks using the site, step by step. I mailed the application on February 19 and the group received their determination letter May 20 – no questions asked! Awesome! Just sent off a small donation!

Cathy Tarr

I don’t believe in my eyes that this grade of useful information would be free to public! Thank you!

April 9, 2013

One quick question. If I copy and paste the examples you provided here, will it cause any issues with IRS guys, assuming that many folks must have done the same thing as I might to favor, so the IRS may have hundreds of same stories except the names, of course?


I am soooooooo thankful for you and all the time you have put into this site.

April 8, 2013


My business partner and I have been working months on our 501(c)(3) application and I was researching some more tonight and came across your website. We are in connection with a lot of organizations and people trying to obtain their 501(c)(3) I will certainly without a doubt refer them to your site for any help! It has been soooooooooo much help to us and I am soooooooo thankful for you and all the time you have put into this site. We will certainly be submitting our stuff for review to you but I just wanted to send a quick thank you to you for doing this!


I found this site a major help in completing my 1023 that I donated to your cause.

April 7, 2013

Thanks again. I have a question for you. If I received acknowledgement of receipt of my application in December 2012, and the acknowledgment states that I should hear something in 90 days if the application fall into the first two groups.

It has been approximately 100 days, and I have not heard anything. Is it warranted to assume that my application has fallen into the third group (needs more development); hence the reason why I have not heard anything from the IRS?


Wake up people, let’s all do our part.

March 12, 2013

I have been using information from this website and have pitched in what I could. While reading all those wonderful comments about how helpful it is I cann’t help but wonder why none of you could spare 5 or 10 bucks to help out the creator? Do you have any idea how much it would cost to hire anyone to help you out? Frankly, I am disappointed how easy we forget that while we need help of this kind, so does the creator of this great website in a form of a small donation. Wake up people, let’s all do our part. Just a little from each one of us would make a huge difference to the one who was so generous towards us. What would you do if he finally decided to sell the thing to the lawyers because he got frustrated with all of us so sweetly mooching of his info. Please, donate. It’s the right thing to do. Thank you.

Lady K.

Thank you!

March 12, 2013

I agree Lady K….donation made. Thank you!


Oh, what a relief that site is.

March 12, 2013

Oh, what a relief that site is. I was reading a lot of others, but yours is the one that includes the REAL information. I can really understand it and follow. I will need to return a few more times to get this done, but as a foreginer I really appreciate your help. It would take me much longer to do it without YOUR information. Thank you very, very, much.

I just loved the answer you gave to this Robin Wright person. You are smart, witty and I love your sense of humor. Everyone who wrote appreciated your efforts except just that one. I’m all with you. Your response to her was well DESERVED.

Donation made, thanks again.

P.S. I used to live in Montana, just curious in which city you might be?

Lady K.

Thank you for providing all this incredibly useful easy to understand information for free.

March 1, 2013

Thank you for providing all this incredibly useful easy to understand information for free. I am starting a speaking ministry and don’t have the resources to hire a professional organizer. Your information provides the tools to help do it myself. Thank you so much.

Robert Fullerton

Keep up the good work and god bless.

February 25, 2013

Hi Chris, I wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for all the hard work you’ve put into this website. I found a couple of typos which I sent you an email about as well. Keep up the good work and god bless.


Some blunt and yes at times colorful conversation is exactly what Tax Forms need

December 13, 2012

Robin Wright??? lol… needs to relax a bit… Some blunt and yes at times colorful conversation is exactly what Tax Forms need…


I’m impressed. The site is well organized and intelligently designed.

November 2, 2012

I’m impressed. The site is well organized and intelligently designed. We put off doing a 501c3 application because it was just so overwhelming and now we’re getting ready to launch. After reading every article on your site in the past week I feel empowered. A busy woman and her board thanks you – now to get to work!

Ruth Burke
IRS Form 1023 Application Review